About The Country Wife Blog

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Follow the (Cooking) Rules!

 It is always good to learn new things.  

Sometimes you learn to your chagrin.

For example: I was trying out Rhodes Frozen Dinner Rolls yesterday.  I had had a long day and was exhausted but wanted to try cooking them long in advance of when I wanted them and then see if they were still good that long time later (two days or so).  I remember a dear sister cooking Rhodes Rolls for a Senior Missionary get-together when Dear One and I were on our mission.  Those rolls were wonderful.  At LEAST as good as the Sixty Minute Rolls I have made for years.

Well, this is what happens when you are tired.

The package directions say that you need to put the frozen rolls on a greased pan (I used Silpat instead) and let rise for 3-5 HOURS.  Then bake for 15-20 minutes at 350 degrees F. 

Okay. It was 4:00 PM when I got home with the rolls in the shopping bag.  I decided in my head that 7:00 would be a reasonable time to bake them.  By the time it was 7:00 PM there was very little left of me energy-wise, SO, you guessed it, I put the rolls in the oven.  And cooked them.

They came out lightly beige, not brown but I thought the bottoms had had enough heat so I removed them from the oven.  I hacked into a couple of them, slathered them with butter, and took them upstairs to Dear One who was already into our Come, Follow Me podcasts.  He thought they were fine.  Well, how bad can hot bread out of the oven covered with butter be?!!

I happened to look at the packaging before I threw it away.  The directions actually said something like: Let rise 3-5 hours, OR UNTIL THE ROLLS HAVE DOUBLED IN BULK! They were not doubled.  Barely larger than when I put them on tha pan.

Oh, well. Maybe I will try again sometime and will take a picture of them at that time and show a comparison photo.

There is a verse in one of my favorite books of scriptures that say: "Oh be wise."  I need to be wise more often.

I would love to see photos of other people's frozen Rhodes rolls cooked properly.

Merry Christmas to all if I do not get to my computer again before the holiday!

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