About The Country Wife Blog

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Another Unknown Spring Flower

 As we were driving home from the temple today (after picking up a gallon of fresh strawberries as the farm by the temple!!!) we passed the credit union.  There was a magnificent white flowered bush along the road.

This bush is full of magnificent white blossoms. I have no idea what it is.  If anyone knows, please let me know.

Many thanks.


  1. Happy Spring Pattie! I believe there is an app that you can download on your phone that will identify plants and flowers. Sorry, I don't remember the name.

  2. I used to see so many roadside flowers in the Springtime in S Alabama. I'd try to dig up a sample or two and plant them in my garden to no avail. When I planted them in the lousy roadside soil by my driveway, they bloomed.


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