About The Country Wife Blog

Monday, May 29, 2023

A Real Weblog Today, Plus a Picture!

 Back in the early days of blogs they were called Web Logs.  They were basically a way to publish an online journal.  It has been weeks since I have published so I am calling it a weblog post today.

As one ages things change.  Sometimes the changes are not as much fun as one might like.  In this case I have written many blog posts over the past few weeks BUT they were written in my mind and never set down on the computer!  Not only that--often it felt like I had actually written the post and published it.  That is not the thing at all!  So embarrassing.

So many things have come and gone over time.  One thing that I learned was that long-term Metformin usage has more than one unpleasant and/or difficult result.  The first was that I developed fecal incontinence which required grocery store underwear. Nasty.  The new diabetes helper told me to cut the Metformin in half. I did and immediately the nastiness stopped.  In three months only one time did I get caught unawares.  So happy.

The most recent long-term usage problem was that I had very painful neuropathy in my feet. For months. When I went to the podiatrist the nurse was trying to help me figure out the sharp shooting pains in my feet every day. So grim.  She said that "it is known that Metformin causes neuropathy." That day I decided to not take any more Metformin.  Within one day I had no more painful neuropathy in my feet!  Truly. I could not believe it.  

This was such a lovely thing but I knew that without the benefits that come with that medicine I would have to be vigilant in keeping to a very careful eating pattern and also add plenty of exercise.  It turned out that I did not have the intestinal fortitude necessary and after three weeks my blood sugar became so  frighteningly high that three nights ago I started up on the Metformin again.  Blood sugar going down and today I had a little neuropathy again.  SO...I guess it is time to see my primary care person and figure something else out.

In the meantime we have done a fair amount of garden work...including going to BC Mulch and More where we picked up two truckloads of nice compost for the lawn garden.

On our deck we have now harvested some radishes!

This is our second radish harvest.  I planted them mainly to remind me where we had planted the lettuce but it turns out that Dear One LIKES to eat radishes.  With a little salt! I was going to say that I don't like radishes but then I remembered that I DO like roasted radishes.  To do it, set oven to 400 degrees F. Quarter the radishes and put in a dish with a dab of olive oil then granulated garlic, granulated onions and a bit of salt and pepper.  Toss to cover then place in a flat pan and cook in oven until soft. I have forgotten how long, but just watch them!  You might like them.

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