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Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Knitting the Fleegle Heel

 Currently we are working on socks knit in worsted weight yarn. My knitting partner in this project is knitting her socks in a very soft acrylic to use as bed socks.  I am using  Briggs and Little Tuffy yarn, a Canadian wool with a little nylon in them. I will just wear them in my shoes since my shoes are somewhat stretched out.

We started out following the recipe in Custom Socks by Kate Atherley. The instructions were a little rugged to follow/plan out. I found a pattern by Purl Together podcast on YouTube and finished the first Tuffy sock with Purl Together’s heel. I liked it.

Since finishing that first sock I found a recipe for the Fleegle Heel. I was ready for the second sock heel so I gave it a try. I just finished that heel and started up the leg.

This is such a simple heel and seems to fit really well though I won’t know for certain until they are finished and on the feet.  After another pair or two I will have this heel memorized. There are two row repeats—k2, m1, knit almost to the end then m1, k2. The other row is just knitting. These stitches are for the gusset increases then  the heel turn is back and forth. There is a little more to it than what I have written but it really is simple.

There are 8 more rounds to knit on the leg to match the first sock then (I think) 10 rounds of K1, P1 ribbing and Jeny’s Super Stretchy  Bind Off. I could probably finish this sock before bed BUT it has been a day and I may hit the hay earlier than usual so the old body can recover.  (I arrived at the dentist for a cleaning and had to cancel the appointment due to intestinal issues that made me uncertain…this took it out of me for sure.) 

1 comment:

  1. You are amazing - do show both socks. I miss you. Vermont misses you.


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