About The Country Wife Blog

Saturday, August 24, 2024

An Unpleasant Visitor, Now Gone

 Early this week I was on the porch by a fluke when a large bee ran into a cobweb on one of our bushes right in front of the porch.  This was gruesome and rather gave me the creeps but I was on my way out and did not have time to think about it.

Two days later I wanted to prune those bushes in front of the house.  As I stepped outside I saw a horrific sight:

That guy was SO BIG!!  I am not kidding.  At least four inches from top to bottom.  I could not stand it. There was going to be not pruning until that visitor was gone.  Since I had planned to go to Hobby Lobby, I continued on to Lowes and looked over the bug eradication sprays.  I was thinking I could get a foaming spray like I got for the red/orange bees that had infested another of those bushes (can you understand why I would like to rip them up and plant something else?!!  Dear One likes them, however.). So I did find some spray but when I got home I realized I had not gotten foam that shoots twenty feet, which is what I was anticipating.  It is a good idea to actually read the whole label.

When I got out of the car I had the can in my hand. I set down my purse and bag on a chair by the door and sprayed.  Number 1.  I was too far away and Number 2.  It was only a little mist!!! What!!!

So I went around to the front of the bush and stepped closer, with my stomach clenching tightly, and started misting that fat yellow and black striped arachnid from the back/top.  It took about four squirts before anything happened.  A fifth squirt and it dropped to the ground in a moving crawling 

heap.Dear One was just stepping through the front door and saw the whole thing.  I put the can down on my stroller seat, picked up my purse and shopping bag, and went inside the house, shuddering all the way.  When I got all the way inside the house by the island,  I gave a final shuddering shaking of my body and drew some deep breaths.  A couple moments later Dear One entered the house and shut the front door firmly behind him.  As he neared me I asked if the creature was gone.  He just nodded his head.

You can see another reason why I adore that man.  He does not like spiders at all, himself, and yet he saved me from this horrid monster.

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