About The Country Wife Blog

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Marigold Wool Fiber Carded

 Here is a look at the marigold-dyed fiber after I hand carded it.  It makes a nice fluffy pile!

As it happens I am not a good enough spinner to easily  spin these soft little rolags. The fiber is mostly little tiny bits of fluff as opposed to several inches or more long fibers.  In retrospect, I believe this fiber was meant for felting SO I have been researching wet felting and needle felting. We shall see.  I do have a lot of it! Soon I will use the avocados for dyeing pink fiber and the lichen for dyeing purple fiber. So I should be able to felt a lot of pink and purple flowers. Maybe even some sunflowers.

As I said before: we shall see. No other projects, though, until I finish the sweater test knit. Update on that: tonight I am knitting the neckline ribbing so I can try the sweater on and check for length. There is at least one more 16-round pattern repeat , probably two, maybe three, before I can knit the bottom ribbing then go to the sleeves.

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