About The Country Wife Blog

Monday, June 18, 2012

New week, new post!

So, the AT hike concluded last Wednesday.  After a few mix-ups (mine) I picked up Bob and Al, dropped Al off in Brattleboro, and arrived home around 11 PM.  It was not 19 hours of straight driving as in the trip home from North Carolina last year but 8-plus hours was about all I could handle. I was probably asleep within minutes of arriving home.

Many of the things I wanted to get done while Bob was hiking are still undone, but I DID get all the outer covering off the wingback porch chair and the deck (seat parts) stitched together. I reviewed the MJ Amsden Furniture YouTube segment on working the deck and was reminded of something I had forgotten.  Hopefully next week I will finish that part, which is a combination of staple-taking the deck fabric to the frame just behind the arms, then hand sewing the fabric to the chair.  After that is done, then the fabric is pulled under and down and stapled.  Watching Mr. Amsden staple makes me hanker for a pneumatic staple gun!

Now a new week, our temple week, and we are back at the "temple motel" .  A funny thing happened: when we got to the motel, checked in, and were just getting back into the car to go to our room, down the road came two Canada Goose families...Father Goose with 6 or 7 pretty much grown-up babies, followed by Mother Goose (I base the gender of the guards on their size) and then along came a family of three geese behind them.  They were all just slapping their black feet on the pavement, slap, slap, slap, really going to town.  It took them no time to approach us from the far horizon then go by and head towards Margaritas.  Really funny.  Well, I guess you had to be there, but Bob and I both laughed out loud to see their slapping feet and total concentration on their road trip.

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