About The Country Wife Blog

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Last Day in the Mission

Our last day in the mission was so lovely, so bitter, so sweet.

We went to the office for a few hours in the morning.  It has been a while ago but I think we brought some Congo Bars to share.  (If it was not that day then it was the day before...things seem to run together in my brain if I don't write them down immediately!)

After lunch Elder and Sister T and we left the office and hopped onto the Max Rail Blue Line to head to downtown to the Lloyd Center where there was a rose show. It was worth the trip!  Some day I will show some of the hundreds of pictures of roses that are now resident on my phone, but not today.

See those gorgeous roses behind us.

After viewing the roses, we went upstairs to the food court for a little food, then back on the train to head home. 

A little later Sister S came over and emptied and cleaned our refrigerator.  What a kind and generous friend she is.  I was completely exhausted and just sat on a chair and let her.

It was so hard to keep the waterworks in check...and still is all these days later.  I don't do very well at staying dry-eyed.


  1. It will be nice to have you back home.

  2. You both will be missed very, very much. Safe trip home! Susie Nordby


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