About The Country Wife Blog

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

A Very Cool Thing! Really!!

 Last week we had a leadership meeting that was late afternoon into the evening so it was going to make supper at home at the regular time not possible.  The meeting (IN PERSON!!!! So great!!!) was an hour's drive away from home.  The leaders of the meeting had thought of everything.  Besides having a WONDERFUL, ENCOURAGING, INSPIRATIONAL meeting, they also made so fabulous charcuterie boxes for us to either take to eat on the way home or eat there together with other sisters.    My carload decided to hit the road (actually, I was anxious to get home before dark and my wonderful passenger was willing to pass up on the fellowship over food. I love her.) and eat when we got home (we were able to put off our pleasure for that long...you know the story about the marshmallows and the four-year-olds...).

This was what we received:

It looked so inviting with the napkin, the wooden fork and knife, the Relief Society seal on a sturdy window clamshell box, and the jute closure holding it all together.  And that was just the OUTSIDE of the box!  Inside, wowser!

Things that were in the box:

Sliced beef
Sliced ham
Sliced salami
Seedless grapes
Two kinds of crackers in cello bags
In little clear containers--
--Green and black olives
--Pimento cheese
--Mixed nuts
--Pineapple Red Pepper Jelly from Kroger
--A chunk of Brie cheese
And to top it all off--a Lindt milk chocolate truffle, one of my all-time favorite comfort foods

This will be a hard treat to top, if you are a competitive person.

We loved the box visually.  Definitely loved it for the pleasure and anticipation. Finally we loved it because it tasted so good.  I shared my box with Dear One. We both loved our treats.

The leaders of the meeting had also provided beautifully frosted cupcakes which I immediately gave to Dear One.  His comment: "Too much frosting."  Well, the frosting makes the cupcake, at least visually. I don't know what it tasted like but I like frosting. Sadly.  Fortunately many frostings are nasty so it is easy to pass on them after the first bite.

There were also cold beverages in bottles to take along.

These sister leaders did such a great job on the who meeting, INCLUDING supper.  I honor them and admire them for the whole works.

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