About The Country Wife Blog

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Rats, Rats, RATS!!! And I mean that Sincerely!

 Tonight we are having a Relief Society activity.  We will be making freezer meals for compassionate service emergencies.  We will also be having a pie night.  Everyone will bring a sweet pie or a savory pie to share.  There will even be pie judging.   Since I wanted to use up ingredients in our refrigerator I decided to do both.  This is how it went...

First thing this morning I was downstairs, still in nightgown, making the tollhouse pie which I have bragged about multiple times on this blog.  I got it in the oven and decided it was too early to be up and around so I went back to bed, setting an alarm on my phone and with Siri.  I was sound asleep when the alarms rang and I carefully made my way back down stairs...no desire AT ALL to fall down all those stairs.

When I got downstairs the pie looked so great, but I was pretty sure it was not quite cooked, so I shut off the oven,  cracked the door for 3 minutes, then closed the door so the residual heat would finish cooking the pie.

We were having brunch some hours later. I had put together the savory pie and while we were eating our salad I set the oven heating at 400 degrees F.  The bell went off to tell us the oven was ready but I was still eating salad (I had just learned that spinach is very good for cardiac health, as well as possibly helping with fatty liver disease so I did not want to miss even one leaf of spinach) so I decided the oven could keep heating until I was done.

When I finished my brunch I went to the oven to put in the savory pie to cook, the top crust of which  I had smartly (I thought) used a tomato basil tortilla.  When I opened the oven door, to my horror, there was the beautiful tollhouse pie!  No longer beautiful.  I did take it out of the oven and let it cool. I knew I was not taking it to Relief Society but I thought possibly I could pawn it off on Dear One who loves just about everything sweet.  Turns out he was smart enough to reject it.  Such a disappointment.  Not his rejection, but the pie disaster...

Well, I will take the stainless steel bowls, the three bags of cooked rice, some large spoons for stirring ingredients, and the savory vegetarian pie over to Relief Society.  I do not have high hopes for its reception...

Better luck next time, I guess.

Here is the Tollhouse Pie.  It does not look THAT bad, does it?  Well, yes.  It really does.  And it really is bad. I tried some of it cool and it just about finished me off...!

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