About The Country Wife Blog

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Tour De Fleece and beyond…Why I have been absent for three weeks!

 The Tour de Fleece was so useful. I did spin wool every day of the Tour de France. Including rest days. I spun quite a bit of yarn-more than 1500 yards. That might sound like a lot but others spun miles of yarn. You know that saying “Comparison is the thief of  joy”? Well, for some wonderful reason I am able to see what others do (and are) and be happy for them and comfortable with my own “place”.   I think that is a spiritual gift from Heavenly Father.  In reality I cannot be bothered to compare or be envious. It gets me nowhere but discontented and I really like to be content with my lot and place in life.

Since I am writing this on my phone I cannot check previous posts so I will just show my pile of fiber-turned-yarn. I am happy and continue to spin most days. One recent day I watched a podcast from eight yeasts ago where a Tour de Fleecer had purchased yarn in Alberta from a mill that was near her. I checked and found they were still in operation and ordered two pounds of fiber from them. I will report when it arrives.  It is called Custom Woolen Mills, I am pretty sure. I will check to be sure but may need to make an addendum…

This is nine skeins of varying lengths. The yarn may be unusable because it is so uneven BUT I will probably use it anyway. I planned to make Andrea Mowry’s  Traveler Shawl with the yarn even though that pattern calls for DK or Fingering weight yarn. The yarn shown is bulky. Well, maybe I will just knit to the dimensions and call it good!  We shall see.

That is it for today. It appears that Hurricane Debby has arrived. Fairly quiet but rainy so far. When I awoke the road in front of our house was dry. It is not dry now! Be safe, Family and Friends, wherever you are.

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing your many hobbies, so great to see your creations! Stay safe, keep spinning!💕


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