About The Country Wife Blog

Friday, February 21, 2025

Out With The Old, In With The Updated!

 So Valentine's Day has come and gone so it was time to take down the heart-shaped wreath on the front door.  

Last year I had made a sort-of St. Patrick's Day wreath.  It was not so hot, but it was a decoration.  I put it up earlier this week but felt it was lacking in....character?  Or something else....so today I picked up a couple of balls of cotton yarn that needed to find a new home and tuned in to Hooked By Robin on YouTube. I really like that girl.  She is a wonderful crochet teacher.  Even the beginning-est beginner can create lovely crochet items by following her instructions.

Here is the wreath from last year hanging on the door.  Not so hot, but still, a decoration instead of a plain black door.

This is the rather pitiful flower I made following Hooked By Robin this afternoon in a short time.  (Sometimes a quick project is what you have time for but if you want a truly lovely result, more time is needed.  Like today. Oh, well.  Soon.) You will note that it is nowhere near as vibrant as the flower I made last year to go along with the "silk flowers" from Hobby Lobby.

Here is the updated wreath.  Still it is not so hot but I am happy enough with it for this afternoon.  I will look for some more patterns to use and some more vibrant yarns...which I am pretty sure I have!  After all, I am in process of organizing the yarn collection and should be able to find just what I am looking for, right...?!

NOTE:  The Hooked By Robin video I linked to above is not the flower I used but I did not quickly find that video so I shared this one.  I do like that puff flower and think I might give it a go and see what happens.  Stay tuned!

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