Saturday morning I leapt out of bed early, something I NEVER do on Saturday, because a friend who has been working towards baptism for a year and a half was ready for baptism and I did not want to miss it. I thought it the ideal time to get rolling again on the newest health kick by walking over to church. If I walk really fast I can get there in 18 minutes. If I saunter and don't build up a sweat, something to be deplored when going into company, it takes me about 23 minutes.
Because I did not want to get lathered up, I walked out our front door with my headphones on listening to the latest of the Nick Hawkes book series I had been reading (The Syrian Stone) and happily locked the door behind me and started up the driveway pushing my nice purple "stroller". I had barely stepped onto the driveway when I realized I did not have my keys. I also did not have my purse. Even worse, I did not have my phone. They were all sitting sedately on the dining room table where I had placed them before un-garaging the stroller from the front window.
Rats! And I mean, RATS!!! I rang the doorbell a hundred times...well, not that many but many times, knowing absolutely that it was going to do me no good as Dear One was upstairs at the back of the house (the pond side of the house) watching the Saturday morning news or some other thing that caught his attention. No luck with ringing the door bell so I started banging on the door. A lot. Really loudly. I knew that would not work either, but I kept it up for a while, hoping to hear his feet in the hallway. No such luck.
At that point--five or eight minutes into this fiasco, I decided to walk around to the back of the house and knock on the sliding glass door on the deck. Tried it. Nothing happened. Kept trying it. Still nothing happened. I happened to glance toward the pond and our blueberry plants and saw the water hose! Great idea!
Carefully got down the steps of the deck and walked down to pick up the hose. The water was on so I started spraying water on the upstairs window beside his recliner. I kept changing the water pattern and finally got one that seemed pretty solid. I kept after the window, getting closer, and all the while water was running down my arm and so pleasantly running into my armpit and drenching my nice church dress. I gave it up, shut off the hose and walked back around to the front of the house ready to give up and just sit on the front porch in a snit.
Just as I got around to the porch the front door inched open! I blasted through the door, grabbed my purse, moved my stroller back into the house, thanked Dear One for opening the door, then said I would have to take the car since by now there were only about ten or twelve minutes to get to the baptism, and I flew out of there.
The church parking lot only had six cars in it so I did a U-turn and drove over to Bojangles for a quick breakfast burrito. I have learned that blood sugar goes up even if you don't eat first thing in the morning, and I had had not one tiny taste of food.
Came back to the parking lot and found about ten cars in the lot so I quickly swallowed the last of that burrito and went on it, hoping that I had sucked all the remaining breakfast from my teeth. It was 10:02. I walked in with a new friend who I really like. We sat together and chatted until 10:35...when the baptism program finally started. I have no idea why it was so late starting. I also realized that I would have had time to walk over after all. Oh well.
Maybe the next time I plan to walk will work. I had decided to walk over Sunday morning, but it was raining. I don't mind a little mist, but walking to Church in the rain, certain to sit in wet clothes for two hours is not on my list of desirable activities. The sun was shining when we were ready to leave but by then we had been away from home for more than four hours and I was bushed. (We had opened the FamilySearch Center after Church meetings for the first time. Maybe half a dozen people stopped in to chat. It wasn't genealogy but it was current family history and so sweet to be there to listen.
The beautiful blossoming tree photo is something I have recently seen. I think it was Saturday when I was on my way to Church from Bojangles but I won't swear to it.
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