About The Country Wife Blog

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Big Day: the Big 50!

Fifty years ago today we were in Cardston, Alberta, Canada. We were there to be married not just for this mortal life but for all eternity as well.  That is the blessing of being "sealed" in the holy temple. And we did it!  My parents were able to be there with us.  So sweet.

We have had some wonderful ups and some serious downs in these past fifty years but we are still putting one foot in front of the other. AND we are doing it together.  We have strong feelings about how to live our lives and they coincide most times!  Makes things so much easier and sweeter!  

Of course, when things are tough, we have to take the time to talk them out and think about what Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father would like us to do to get through those times.  Even better They always help us.  We are churchy people and have always been churchy people. That helps.  Praying and reading scriptures every day helps us forgive each other when things are rough. That helps, too.

Do you recognize those young people...?!! It WAS actually 50 years ago so you can be forgiven for not knowing them!  

We are looking forward to the day when all our children come to spend a few hours with us to reminisce and work together (the mother in this family always thinks when a gang gets together is a perfect time to get some projects done and this time is no exception...however, having edited the job list, it should not be onerous for the strong young people...even though young is a matter of perspective...these are all  grown men and woman!)

Dear One and I are so very happy to have made it to this milestone. And are looking forward to the next one...!

Here are some pictures from recent years:

Here is my angel Dear One the day before we completed our mission in Portland, Oregon four years ago.  Isn't he beautiful?!  Such a kind, sweet, loving, generous husband.

This is one of my favorite pictures of the two of us...also our last day on the mission at a rose festival.


  1. Happy Anniversary! 50 years is a true accomplishment!

  2. Happy anniversary and much love to both of you. You are some of the best examples I know. Kara

  3. Happy Anniversary...a true testimony to your love ❤️

  4. Happy Anniversary!

  5. Happy 50th Pattie and Bob! Such a loving accomplishment in this day and age! Continued joy!

  6. Happy Anniversary 💐

  7. Happy 50th Anniversary to you both! ❤️❤️🤗🤗


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