About The Country Wife Blog

Monday, December 18, 2023

Fraud Alert!

 Be sure to check your financial accounts very often.  In the last six weeks Dear One and I have both had our accounts hacked and persons tried to take large sums from Dear One's account and no money from my account though the fraud customer service person said that crooks enter $0.00 to see if it "goes through" and then puts in for a large sum. I was lucky. Except my card was canceled.

For my account, it took ten days to get a new card.

Dear One's fraud people had him a new card the next day. Which is nice since I use that card, too, much to his chagrin...!

So...this is just a warning to all.  AND the sad thing is that both of us had just made donations to what we thought were reputable companies.   Be vigilant!

This picture has nothing to do with fraud.  It is an Advent Christmas stocking I am knitting...a few rows are emailed every day.  This is the top of the stocking as of 18 December.  I am having fun doing it.  You can see I am not a great knitter but I sure am having fun.  It might look better after blocking but it happens that I won't be blocking it.  I am going to fill it will navel oranges and give it away as soon as I finish the last rows.  Maybe next year I will make one for us.  Maybe.  We do have enough stuff, so this is questionable.


  1. I love the pattern ❤️

  2. I don’t know how you make these. Such a talent!


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