Monday was a long day since I had not been able to fall asleep until 3 AM, probably a result of eating brownie crumbs while making the Brownie Trifle for the night before's Senior Family Home Evening.
Dear One spent all morning at the storage garages meeting the vendor of new mattresses and box spring for missionary apartments. Some old mattresses were taken away.
My whole day was spent, in amongst all the mail, phone calls, missionary visits, and other things, reformatting the medical providers list. I really am not a fastidious or even organized person BUT some things get my goat. The bright yellow highlighting hurts my eyes. PLUS it seems that quickly and easily finding the city in which the providers are located would be very handy.
Well...I did spend all day working on it. We did not leave the office at 4:30 or even 5:00. In retrospect we should have left earlier. Shortly after 5:00 when I had just finished the re-format into a table, I very smartly removed all the telephone numbers. Don't know how I did it. Certainly did not WANT to do it. So, in case I didn't have any other things to do during the week, I had successfully created a project. This project is needed in preparation for making the new senior couple binders. We have four of them coming, one in November, two in December, and one in January. I still have some time, fortunately.
For the first time we received a package from OnTrac. I had never heard of them. Nice young man.
We sent a map of Portland home to Vermont so the family there can see where we are. I am hoping it arrives before the older boys get there so they can all look at it together. If that is something they are interested in. I love maps myself.
After we arrived home we ate some quick leftovers then Dear One became ensconced on the couch for scripture study, General Conference talk (well, I stayed for that), and his Netflix evening. It was still glorious out so I took my stroller and a recycled grocery bag, put on my "tablet apron with name tag attached", installed my headphones to my phone to list to The Ghost Bride and headed up to the Grocery Outlet to find some protein. Nice walk.
Tuesday was a busy day...more re-formatting the medical providers. In the afternoon our favorite technology helper came in. He helped us all in different ways. His conversation made me realize I need to put all my info up in the cloud...and theoretically it will come back down to my computer as the computer synchronizes.
In the evening I went to Joann Fabrics to find some green and red satin or grosgrain ribbon for the Christmas packages. I also stopped at Winco to get some jars to use for sauerkraut. I was going to get 2-quart jars but then realized that the people who come after us will almost certainly not want jars that size. I got a box of wide mouth quart jars. The ones that I don't use to ferment sauerkraut I will use to store beans, rice, other bulk things instead of just storing them in the plastic bags the come in... I also bought a wonderful stainless steel 7-quart bowl for the sauerkraut and all other projects!
On Wednesday I awoke at 3. Finally got up for good shortly after 4. Cleaned kitchen and put dishes going in dishwasher. Made Dear One's sandwich. Ate the last slice of bread with cheese melted on it and the last of the vegetable juice. Entered the receipts into our Mission Expenses 2017 excel file then cleaned off the kitchen table. After that I cut out 108 neckties for the Elders’ Christmas gift bags. We invited the Jacksons and Sister Tuell to supper on Saturday night then prepare the gift bags. I folded 12 of the ties. Still have to cut out the little bit for the tops/fold of the tie.
Dear One suggested quiche for Saturday's supper. I was thinking Sweet Potato, Kale, and Corn Chowder. Well, maybe both of them!
The day was very busy. I met with Sister T about the medical providers list. She much preferred the previous format! Wouldn't you know!! As I was trying to save it, the new one disappeared altogether. Can you believe it?!
Finally I did a little bit of Oregon Trail ( the mission newsletter which is created in Publisher software, something I still don't know. I will have to look on for a tutorial) work just before we had to leave to go to Brother G's house for lessons five and six Temple Preparation class.
Thursday must have been a long hard day because I did not write anything in my journal...!
Friday was the same! Two days in a row with almost nothing recorded. It was the day that our dear Elder J's (the vehicle coordinator who sits next to Dear One every day) sister passed away. He had just spoken with her last week and did not realize how close she was to going.
One thing that I do remember about Friday is that an asset manager from Salt Lake City called to say a property they are renovating has a model apartment's furniture available for us in the mission. Another divine "coincidence"...we have a senior couple coming to an apartment in the same complex in early December. It will be great to give them those furnishings.
Saturday I was up early. There were a few more things I needed for the evening's dinner so I headed out to Winco at 5:30. I LOVE having a 24-hour grocery store less than ten minutes away! I fritzed around the kitchen getting things together but then came over tired all of a sudden (too many difficult nights, I guess) so I went back to bed. I awoke around 10 AM and found Dear One ready to head out. We needed to take the signature folder to President B's house then went to the storage garages for a table and chair to use for the gift bag project. We then went to Costco for treats for the missionaries who come into the office every day. We also purchased 16 pillows for the missionaries who are coming in early November. We got everything stuffed into the car then headed back to the storage garages to leave the pillows with the comforters, blankets, and mattresses.
By 3 PM we were home and I was cooking for supper and cleaning the apartment to be ready for company. Thank goodness Dear One is so helpful. He did much of the cleaning...including fixing the vacuum cleaner. We ended up with the Sweet Potato Kale and Corn Chowder but I forgot the kale. Even though it was sitting there in there refrigerator. I did throw in some leftover garden peas to give a little green! The quiche came out okay even though I had somehow managed to stop the timer...well, I had to warm up an afternoon treat for Dear One and forgot I was timing the quiche. Well, it was fine. I then made some Apple Cinnamon Cake. I will post about that sometime.
Our friends arrived at 5. After quickly eating we removed the new tablecloth that we had gotten for the occasion at Target and set to work on the gift bag project. We knocked off at 8 PM with the Sisters' bags all done and 28 of the Elders' bags done.
Sunday was wonderful. It was the Primary Program which the children put on every fall to show what they have been learning throughout the year. Their theme this year was "Choose the Right". So sweet. There are many children in our ward. The prelude music was by very young playing songs from the program. So lovely to hear. You don't have to have "professional" musicians to bring the Spirit.
During the third hour of meetings today we had a combined meeting with everyone but the Primary children involved. The bishop spoke, then trained about Relative Finder, which can be found at If you have a free account at and start building your family tree, by the time you get five or six generations input, 1. you will love your family more, and 2. you will be able to find connections with other people you know on Relative Finder! So nice. Bishop also showed us a new-to-me thing on the Tree app which you can put on your phone or tablet from If you sign into Tree then click on "More" at the bottom right, you will see "Relatives Near Me" on the upper left of the screen. Click on "Scan" and pretty soon, if there are people with Tree open who are related to you and who are within 100 feet of your location, the will pop up! This was just the niftiest thing to do. There were 52 people who were cousins--as close as 5th cousins and as far distant as 13 generations. I loved it.
Hopefully more on genealogy another time.