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Friday, April 12, 2019

Food Friday: Plantain Tortillas

Recently I have been trying harder to eat whole-food plant-based things.  Sister C told us about some plantain tortillas her daughter makes for a grandson who has many food allergies.  I had to go out and do a few errands (going to the post office to pay the overage on a missionary letter, go to AAA, and since AAA is right next to Winco....) so I picked up three plantains.  Knowing nothing about them, I did not know if they were ripe or not.  I still don't but I made these tortillas when we got home after make a grilled cheese sandwich for Dear One who almost certainly would not be interested in the tortillas.

This is the recipe which Sister C's daughter sent us.

1 pound plantains, peeled and chopped
1/3 cup avocado oil
1 teaspoon sea salt
1 teaspoon baking powder

Put all ingredients in a Vitamix or food processor and grind on low for a minute or two then raise the speed to high.  You want a VERY smooth dough apparently. I think it was a total of two minutes when I shut off the Vitamix.
plantain dough ready to go

Using a 3 Tablespoon portion scoop, I made 6 piles on each of two cookie sheets with Silpat mats on them.  I spread them out to about 6 inches across then cooked them in a 400 degree F. oven for 10 minutes, then 15 more minutes (this was the first pan because I wanted to get going on eating them). 

By the time the 15 minutes was ready to go, I put the second pan in the oven.  After that 15 minutes, I took the first pan out of the oven.  Sadly, I did not set the timer again and answered the phone which was Sister J.  We had a wonderful talk.  When I remembered the second pan of tortillas, well, can I say they were over-cooked?
Cooked just about right

By this time I was ready to eat.  The over-cooked one that was the most colorful I decided to try.  Amazingly, it was not too bad.  I would not give it to Dear One, but I did not mind it at all.  I had a second one with refried black beans and pepper jack cheese on it.  It was so good that I had another one.  And another.  
A snick over-cooked but still tasty

Don't think blood sugar or scales will be thanking me in the morning, but they were not bad.  At all.

So I asked Dear One if he wanted a plantain tortilla with refried beans and cheese on it.  He shook his head.  Well, I do NOT like to take no for an answer so I put one on a plate, shredded pepper jack cheese on it, put it in the microwave for 30 seconds then handed it to him on the couch.  He wanted to know what it was so I told him...pepper jack cheese.  When I got back to the living room, the plate was empty!!!  I asked about it and he said it was not bad.  High praise indeed!

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