About The Country Wife Blog

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

What. A. Start. To. The. Day!

This morning!  My goodness.  I cannot believe it. I woke up after a full eight hours of sleep!  Score on that one.  Something that rarely happens but has now happened two nights in a row.  When I got to the kitchen I decided I wanted to boil up some eggs in the Instant Pot so we could have sandwiches and eggs goldenrod soon.

Well!!  To start the story...

After making the yogurt yesterday and having the rest of the day totally full, the liner bowl was still soaking in the sink when I came out this morning.  Somewhere in the back of my mind I noted that.

Taking two boxes of eggs from the refrigerator I put six eggs in each of the three stainless steel steamer inserts in the Instant Pot (they were already sitting happily in the IP...), got a glass measuring cup out of the cupboard above the Instant Pot, went to the sink and filled the measuring up with 1 1/2 cups of water, poured the water into the IP, put the cover on and pressed Steam and was about to change the time on the Steam to 5 minutes when I saw some water on the counter. And more water.  AND EVEN MORE WATER!!!  Yikes!  I had poured water into the Instant Pot without having the inner bowl in place.  Oh. No.

Immediately I yanked the three steamer baskets out of the Instant Pot and set them on the counter.  However, the third one immediately fell on the floor and six eggs smashed all over the place.

I left the eggs, unplugged the IP, and turned it upside down, then thought better of it and turned it right side up again so the water could continue going back through the electrical works for a third time.  I yanked a kitchen towel out of the drawer to start sopping up the water on the counter then realized the Vitamix was sitting in a puddle of water now!  I moved that out of the way, hoping for the best.

At this point I went to my comfy chair to calm down, leaving the broken eggs on the floor and the equipment as it was.  Passing the sink I glared at the IP liner bowl what was happily sitting there smirking because I had forgotten to clean it and insert it into the machine.

When I got to my chair I started listening to 3 Nephi Chapter 1 in Spanish.  About the third or fourth verse the screen when white.  What else!  I just sat there sort of shell-shocked from the start of the day.  This is a new phone so I was a bit wrought up about the possibility that it might have bitten the dust.  On the same day that I might have lost the Instant Pot and even the Vitamix.

As I was sitting there listening, my mind went to the place were I heard the words "not good to get your heart set on things of the world..." and I thought it would serve me right to lose all three "treasures".

Well, when we get home from the office I will check out the Instant Pot and Vitamix and see if they survived the day and dried out.  I sincerely hope the price I have to pay for not being mindful first thing this morning will not be too high, i.e. I hope I have not lost my two favorite kitchen appliances.  Fortunately the cell phone jerked itself back to life.

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