About The Country Wife Blog

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Sewing Project: Adult Bib

It annoys me terribly that I spill food on my clothing when I am eating.  Having said that, it has just crossed my mind that I can avoid that unpleasantness by taking only the tiniest amount of food on my fork or spoon.  That might have multiple good results...!  Anyway, before I had that thought, I finally made a bib for myself, and yes, even though it seems silly, I did wear it the other night when eating out with friends.  It did protect my clothing.

This is what I did:

Went to Dollar Tree and purchased a 15" by 25" kitchen towel.

Went to a quilt shop and purchased half a yard of fabric.  They happened to have fabric for $4.00 a yard!!

When in the workroom I folded the towel in half and cut out a semi-circle that I thought would give a big enough hole for my head.  I laid the towel on the fabric and cut a matching piece of fabric then cut the same sized circle out of it.

Next I put right sides together and stitched a 1/4 inch seam in the circle.  After clipping the curves with sharp scissors, being very careful not to cut through the stitching (but not carefully enough not to cut a gash into my off index finger...!  Bled like a stuck pig.  Fortunately Dear One had a bandaid handy...), turn the bib right side out.  Pin the circle well, then topstitch at about 1/4 inch from the edge. Remove the pins before you get to them.  You do NOT want to stitch over the pins.  Sometimes it works fine.  Other times it breaks the needle which is ever so annoying because then you have to find where you hid the little packet of new needles, hoping you still have a needle that fits this particular sewing machine...cannot use the usual universal needles here.

Now, fold in the outside edges all around at about 1/2 inch.  Pin well, then topstitch around the whole thing, and your bib is ready to go out and horrify your friends, or alternatively, delight them that you were smart enough to stop spilling on yourself so they do not have to look away in embarrassment for you.  My friends are not really like that.  They are so supportive and agreeable to just about any wacky thing I do. I love them for this.

Here is the bib, ready to wear. I wore it that very night.  I am thinking of making up a few more.  You will notice that the fabric will hide most spills!

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