About The Country Wife Blog

Monday, November 1, 2021

The End of the Evening!

Well, all is well here, not in Lake Wobegon, but in our neighborhood.  We had many little ghosts, ghouls, fairies, princesses, and TV characters that I did not know.  Even when I asked and the kids told me, I could not grasp what they were talking about.  I may be getting old...

Anyway, Dear One had gotten enough candy, both chocolate and straight sugar, to fill two separate 13-quart stainless steel bowls.  When the last batch of kids came by at 7:15 and one little kiddo lifted the bowl to empty it into his back pack, I called it a night.  A few bugs had started finding the light over my head attractive at about the same time.  I had mentioned to Dear One  earlier (when he turned on the lights) that the first bug that came by was it for me.  He looked at me, smiled, and said. "You can tough it out!"  Funny guy.  Really funny guy!

This is all that was left from 26 quarts of chocolate and sugar.  Hallelujah!  No temptation lying around here now!

Here is the extent of my "costume" back on its high shelf until next year!  It was a pretty good buy the day after Halloween at Michaels two years ago: $2.99 or maybe it was $4.99 but either way...I am set for costumes until the end...!

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