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Monday, March 28, 2022

Munchie Monday: Green Juice!

 This morning a small miracle took place.  Hopefully the beginning of bigger miracles!  When I went to bed last night I had in mind to wake up by 6:00 so I could go to Piggly Wiggly grocery store to get some spinach and a few other items to make green juice as a wake-up-begin-a-new-and-healthier-lifestyle-forever plan.  Plus I needed some mushrooms to use in Creamy Wild Rice Soup.  Then I went to bed.  I was pretty bushed after an 8:30 meeting before church, church, rushing around after church to make lunch for Dear One before going to a funeral, etc etc etc. I was tired.  So I set the alarm for 7:30 which would give me just time to get up and get to the doctor appointment at 8:30.

So the small miracle?  Heavenly Father woke me up at 5:54!  And I leaped/crawled out of bed, did the regular routine, showered, and hopped into the car.  Went to the Pig, purchased some other things, too, and came home.

#LifeIsNoYoke Green Juice is now made and partly consumed.  Dear One drank his right down.  He is not a real fan but it is not nasty so he did drink it. He wants to be healthier, too.

Here is the Vitamix with water, apple, orange, banana, ginger thumb, chia seeds, spinach, and ice.  (Go to LifeIsNoYoke for the specific recipe. It is easy.  It is mild.  Even babies love it.) It blends for 90 seconds so you have a nice smooth drink.  No chance for spinach leaves to get caught between your teeth and embarrass you!

Here is the green juice in my Yeti travel mug ready to go to the doctor with me. I meant to eat my usual oatmeal breakfast as well, but did not get it done.  Because it is uncooked it takes a little longer to chew up than cooked oatmeal. I like cooked oatmeal which apples, raisins, walnuts, flax meal, and cinnamon but that takes even more time.

So I am feeling happy. And virtuous on several fronts: getting out of bed when I woke up, performing my morning ritual which today included listening to a General Conference talk on Miracles by Elder Howard W. Hunter, actually getting through Piggly Wiggly without stopping at their hot deli to collect some freshly cooked sausages which I am trying to avoid at all costs, making the green juice, and all this in time to head out for the doctor appointment ON TIME!  What a great day!  I hope it continues in like fashion.

When I get home I think I will address the kitchen a little bit, the workroom a lot, and even get the Cream Wild Rice Soup made for supper.  This will make the whole day a day of miracles.  Here is hoping....

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