About The Country Wife Blog

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

DIY: Table Umbrella Demolition!

 We have been here four years.  In that time we have had an umbrella on the deck so we could enjoy the outside but not have the sun beating down on us.  We are on our THIRD umbrella since they go to heck pretty readily.  This last once broke just as I realized our money tree plant could afford to be staked.  (I bit the bullet and tried pruning leaves and tying up up the stems so it might grow straight up. We shall see...)

Well, perhaps two months ago I tried to break off the "stakes" from this defunct umbrella.  I was only able to break off one of them. I used pliers but found that my hands were just not strong enough anymore to do a job like that.  This was very deflating to me.

Today I was out on the deck and decided to give another look at that umbrella. (Yes, it was still there cluttering up the deck to Dear One's disgust...) I moved the umbrella fabric out of the way and discovered I could unscrew the finial on top of the umbrella.  With that off I could easily remove the fabric. Score!!!  So great!!  I set that aside.  There is lots of fabric so I think I will use it to line some little bags I am thinking of making. I will let you know!

(That round piece of wire held everything together and is what is left of my plier project-where I found my hands were not strong enough...Also, in case you are interested, the green fabric is our microwave potato bag, a tool I made and which we often use. We are planning to take it with us on vacation!)

The next thing I noticed was that there were lots of screws holding the thing together.  I brought the metal piece inside the house, got out our trusty orange screwdriver that has four different heads on it and started unscrewing the various screws.  Pretty soon things started falling apart!!  So great.

Very shortly I had four "stakes" I could use on the money tree.  

Here are the stakes installed, but only partially shored up.  I will not tell you what I am using for soft stretchy connectors from the tree to the stakes.  You would be shocked.  But the one that is already there works ever so well and does not damage the stems!

So as far as I am concerned, that is a day's work satisfyingly complete.  Of course, I was exhausted and wanted to take a nap BUT I was up for a dentist appointment and had only a few minutes before I had to leave.

This just goes to show that sometimes a little brain work is more successful than brawn work.  You can do it, too!

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