About The Country Wife Blog

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Knitting Today: Mama Christa's Shell

 Almost a month ago I started on Mama Christa's Shell.  I posted about it when it turned into a disaster knit.  Today I can give a much better report:  we are making a lot of progress. (The reason is middle-of-the-night knitting yet again!)

As you can see, I did switch to flat knitting and I am knitting two at once. I like knitting two at once when at all possible.  This way both parts of the whole are the same length.  In this case it still would have been possible to see where I was quickly because the pattern is so regular.  Other times, like in socks, it can be harder to tell at a glance where you are and if you need to knit another row or three more rows.

In the middle of the past night I worked SEVERAL row repeats, even though my goal the past week has been to knit one row repeat each day.  (Also to knit one Smitten and one day's worth of the Arne and Carlos Advent Christmas Stocking Knit Along.  These have have both dropped off the knitting board until I finish the Shell.)

My plan had been to make this a bit of a cropped shell since I think that will work best for my needs BUT now that I am only five repeats from the pattern instructions, if I have enough yarn, I will probably just go for it.

Cori of Irocknits is having a knitalong and I am hoping to finish this week so I can enter.  She has been so helpful and kind in answering questions with which  I have needed help.

Now off to an appointment to see if we can remove the reason for some of the middle of the night knitting.  It would be so great to just sleep through every night and wake up full of vim and vigor.  I did  do that regularly, though it was some ages ago...!

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