About The Country Wife Blog

Friday, April 12, 2024

Some Days You Just Feel Smarter…

 Yesterday I had to go out for a bit. After backing out of the garage I pressed the garage door opener on the visor. Nothing happened. Huh! What is that about…? So I got out of the car(leaving the car running and the door open…), went into the house through the garage shutting the garage door as I went by the switch, then out the front door locking it behind me then off on the junket which took a few hours.  When I got home I pressed the door opener again. Huh! It did not open the door. I had forgotten it did not work anymore.

For some crazy reason the door not opening again made me move into analytic mode.  If you know me well, you know that analytic is NOT my middle name.  So out of the blue it came to me that perhaps the battery was dead in the opener. That was good news. Dear One has a supply of various batteries. I thought for sure he would have the right one for the job.

Here is that nifty little door helper on the visor. 

After looking at it I knew I needed professional help and did not want to ask  Dear One who happens to be going through a spell of thinking I am pretty smart. Did not want to disillusion him…so I went to my other favorite helper: YouTube. I typed in “garage door opener” and the first video that came up had a picture of our opener!  The very first thing the helpful guy said was to take off the metal visor clip and pry open the case. I stopped listening, tried it;  it worked so THEN I asked Dear One for a battery.  In about a minute he placed the battery in my hand. I removed the dead one, putting that bad guy into my pocket for disposal, snapped the case back on then tried the opener from my blue platform rocker inside the house. 

It worked!  So you see why I said sometime I feel smarter than other times….

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