About The Country Wife Blog

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Dishwater Soup

OK!  Well, today I really did it!  It was getting toward supper time and I was busy with other good things...such as folding tons of clean laundry, watching a Cheryl Brunette YouTube video on knitting  mitered-square afghans, mending clothes, picking up the workroom, taking care of...you get the picture, nothing particularly stunning, but busy with this and that.

SO, supper time was rolling around and I needed to do something rather quickly.  Because we had a number of small dibs and dabs of leftover goodies in the refrigerator I decided to make my mother's "Refrigerator Soup"--taking all the leftovers, putting them into a large pot, adding broth and giving it a taste.  In this case it did not taste like much, since things have been a bit bland lately, so I added some of the leftover broth from the Christmas ham, some potato/onion broth and a packet of onion soup mix.  NOW it has some taste, though a bit heavy on the salt side.  It really does taste pretty good.

Unfortunately, it looks like dishwater.  Dear one ate one ladle and called it a day.  Because I did not want to have hurt feelings over this, I moved upstairs to do some last picking up, and a few more stitches on the reupholstering project (remember that wingback chair I started on in June?  Still going.  Need a pneumatic staple gun, or to sew on the piping by hand.  I am currently sewing it by hand.  Kind of grim work, that...!) then got sucked into the computer...finished some installations on the Windows side, and now am ready to go for broke on the verifications of family history data.

There, you see, no hurt feelings here!  It really was icky-looking soup.  When you make refrigerator soup,  you had probably better not put so many things into it because: 1. it may not look good, 2.  it may not taste good, and 3. you may have a HUGE pot which you either need to eat up yourself or feel guilty about throwing out...and it is my considered opinion that the birds at the bird feeders will not help you out...nor with the squirrels who rob the bird feeders instead of eating their own summer's supply.

No picture today.  It would probably put you off your feed for some little time!

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