About The Country Wife Blog

Monday, September 10, 2018

Munchie Monday: Whole Wheat Waffles with Blueberries

 Dear One loves waffles.  If I ever ask him what he wants for breakfast, he will say either waffles or fried potatoes. Or both.  Some days I am perfectly happy to comply...but only on weekends. 

There are a few problems with waffles in my mind:  with our previous waffle maker I frequently got burned.  That put me off big time. I hate burns.  They have bad memories for me.  Plus I don't like added pain.  A second issue is that waffles use a lot of flour.  Flour seems to me to be addictive.  Once I eat one thing with flour in it, the floodgates open and I pour flour-y things down my throat.  A very bad idea.  Another thing about waffles is that the recipes always make a lot of batter...so I can either make a ton of waffles, put the waffle batter in the refrigerator to vegetate until I dispose of it, or throw out the batter right away. I don't like any of these options.  Because of that, I tried something new...I made up my own recipe.

Whole Wheat Waffle Batter

1 cup whole wheat flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon coarse salt
3/4 cup milk
3 Tablespoons vegetable oil
1 egg
1 Tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1/4 cup fresh blueberries

After putting the dry ingredients in a small bowl, I stirred them until smooth then added all the wet ingredients and stirred very carefully with a whisk.  This care was necessary since I had used a small bowl.  Next time, if there is a next time, I will use a larger bowl so I can be less careful with stirring.

In this case I left the batter to sit on the counter for 5 minutes or so because I wanted the flour to begin absorbing the wet ingredients. I planned to wait 10 minutes but became antsy for the waffles to be done.

NOTE:  before starting the recipe I hauled out the deep waffle maker and started it heating up.

After spraying the waffle maker, which by this time, was nice and hot and ready for batter,  I took a 1/4 cup portion scoop and scooped the thick batter into each of the four waffle wells  There was batter left over which I had expected. I sprinkled a few blueberries on each of the waffles then scooped up more batter and covered them up...thinking this would avoid a nasty blueberry mess on the waffle iron.  I let them cook for 4 minutes by the clock.

When I opened the waffle iron, there were four nice crisp waffles.  Dear One ate three and I ate one.  After all, with butter and pure maple syrup it is hard to pass them up.

This recipe worked okay.  They were pretty sturdy waffles and tasted about medium. PLUS there was no leftover batter at all!  A real bonus.

You can see there was not too much blueberry mess. I am not sure they added to the waffles but they were about at the end of their rope so, why not use them up?!

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