About The Country Wife Blog

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Quick Test Knit

 Yes, I did say I was not going to do another test knit until some other knitting projects were finished but, well, the designer said this should take about an hour. I had an hour.  The yarn I chose to use had been given to me. I thought it would be great. It is lovely yarn, just not for this project!

As part of the YarnPond test knitting requirement, we need to post our project on Ravelry.com.  I like to do this anyway because then I have a record of my projects.  My Ravelry feed in NO WAY is indicative of my knitting projects, but at least I am getting the test knits up there.  (If you go to Ravelry to see my projects you will probably be disappointed. I am disappointed myself.  So few projects and so many of those without pictures.  Other people do knit some of the same projects and you can see what the project looks like if you click through the pages...)

The yarn that I used is mentioned on the Ravelry.com page, though not the brand of the yarn because the ball band was missing when it was given to me.  Some yarns are good for many projects.  Some yarns are only good for specific projects.  This is NOT one of the projects this yarn is good for.  Trust me on this.  Even so, with all the struggles, it only took 90 minutes to knit this basket.  It turned out way bigger that it should have.  I will knit it again with yarn more acceptable for the pattern and get gauge, so to speak.

This basket was put to use immediately (since we were having a Qwerkle party the very same night) with plastic eggs containing three-chocolate solid hearts and almond-flavored filled chocolate rabbits.  Pretty fun.  Pretty popular at our house...

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