About The Country Wife Blog

Tuesday, March 19, 2024


 We have some very nice driveway lights to light our way at night.  When our children came to visit last June to celebrate with us, the boys very kindly moved the lights a foot or more away from the actual driveway.  That was such a good thing.  They did it by purchasing some PVC pipe, cutting into a good length, pounding them into the lawn then setting the light stem into the PVC.  So great!

Sadly, they probably should have been moved further away!

Backing out of the garage one day last week was rather harrowing for this particular driveway light!  I apologized to the light but there was no response.  This is not the first time this has happened!  May I say also that I am not the only person who has run over one of those lights...!  Even visitors have run over lights.  

What did I do after crashing over the light?  First thing I did was tell Dear One about the incident, which he took rather well, if I do say,  I then drove over to Lowes where I purchased two more.  (I had already crashed another light and had not replaced it...so it was time.). If you look carefully at the photo, you can see the newly broken light.  You also see a round black thing that is actually the top of a priorly smashed light that Dear One has left out with the suncatcher face up so it collects sunlight and electricity so at night time it will give light also even though it is not on a stand.

You might ask why I don't just back straight out of the garage.  Well, I DO back straight out but sometimes I am a bit closer to the right edge of the garage.  That is when the problems happen.  We never had a problem when we just had one vehicle.  Now with a car and a truck the rolling stock has to snuggle up close to each other.  Even that can be a problem.  Sometimes Dear One pulls the car in and slides right out and heads into the house.  On occasion I go out in the morning to hop into the car and head out, or I did when I was making lots of visits which are no longer necessary, and I find that I cannot open the door enough to get into the car.  This is a sad sad thing...just another indication that I really MUST reduce drastically.  Maybe soon.  In those cases I have to call on Dear One for help getting the car out of the garage.  He is always so kind and willing to help.

Going back to the opening sentence...in some ways we don't need these lights since we RARELY go out at night.  We are old. We do not like driving in the dark.  At least, I don't like driving in the dark.

1 comment:

  1. Pattie, You are NOT old just getting more mature 🥰. I must admit that this is MY perspective.


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