About The Country Wife Blog

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Tuesday Thoughts

So today this message is mostly for me but I am sharing it anyway.

Last night I went to bed with plans to get up early.  Go swimming.  Go to Cash and Carry for a few items since they open at 6 AM 6 days a week.  I went to bed happy because I was planning to be more committed to health practices.  I even discussed it somewhat with Dear One and tried to suck him into the same health plan.  He was mildly willing.  Of course, the heavy eating of vegetables was a less palatable part of the plan for him, but still...mildly interested.

So this morning I woke up early.  At 1:06 AM.  Then at 3:01 AM.  Then finally at 5:35 AM...not that early since I always read scriptures first thing, but still I would have time to get to Cash and Carry pretty early after reading.  Got dressed. All souped up to get going on this new healthy life.

No glasses!  No name tag!!  So what do I do?  I had to search the whole house, admittedly not very large but since my stuff slops over into every crevice and can and bucket and flat spot, it was quite a bit.  Twenty minutes later I still had not found the glasses and name tag (though I have others so this name tag thing was not a big issue).  I crawled back into bed to drown my sorrows in hugs and kisses.  For about five minutes, then popped up and started searching again.

The result:  one table cleared off and more or less tidy.  One batch of magazines put away.  Empty saved (for some unknown reason) envelopes put in the trash, other obvious bits of refuse put in the the trash.  Potatoes baking in the oven. So, things are better, but still no glasses or tag.

Now I decided to drown my sorrows further by sharing my terrible housecleaning habits with my friends, in hopes that it would shame me into bucking up, getting it together, and actually having a tidy, everything-in-its-place house, all the time.

Sat down at my computer to write this blog post and there, under the paper with the recipe for Munchie Monday, straight ahead of me as I looked into the distance thinking about my bad behavior, there were the glasses and name tag.  Too late to go to Cash and Carry today.  It is a very popular store.  (When I get there at 6:05 there are already half a dozen cars and vans and trucks in the dooryard and many more by the time I leave ten minutes later...at least that has been the pattern in the past on the two times I have been there early morning.  We went there once on a Saturday afternoon and parking was impossible.) . Not only no Cash and Carry, no swimming.  What a bust!  All because I did not put my glasses and name tag away where I "always" put them.  Well, no, actually, all because I am a disorganized so and so who allows fatigue and sloth to get the better of me.

So, what is the upshot?  Hopefully, I will organize every needful thing, and keep it that way.  AND I hope I have enough intestinal fortitude to continue with the new health plan, even though deflected today...Let us get our acts together and move forward together...if anyone else needs the pep talk.  Thanks for listening.

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