About The Country Wife Blog

Friday, June 1, 2018

Food Friday: Strange, but, Good, Breakfast

Using the Instant Pot I hard-boiled one dozen eggs. The first thing I made with them was Eggs Goldenrod.  This included making baking powder biscuits, which looked successful but I did not want to eat them.  Dear One was pleased to be handed a plate of Eggs Goldenrod with fake bacon bits on top.

For myself,  I “baked” two small red potatoes in the microwave.  When done, I mashed them in my favorite white bowl and spread a little of the eggs goldenrod on top.  On top of that I spread the last of the sauerkraut then chopped the dreg ends of a romaine heart.  It was really good.

The biggest advantage was that there was no eggs goldenrod leftover to store in the refrigerator.  There was no sauerkraut jar to return to the refrigerator.  Best of all was that the dying romaine heart was no longer glaring at me from the counter with guilt-producing eyes.  The core of the romaine went into my vegetable broth bag in the freezer.  (When the bag won’t fit in the freezer door anymore, I will toss it in the Instant Pot along with bay leaves, fill the pot with water, and press broth for 45 minutes...I like to cook the heck out of the vegetable scraps.  It makes fabulous vegetable broth after being strained. AND I am absolutely positive I have wrung every last bit of nutrient from the seeds and pitch and leaves and cores of all kinds of vegetables!!)

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