About The Country Wife Blog

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

The Ugly Bug Infestation and What I Did About It

Bugs are not my favorite.  Some bugs are less favorite than others.  Arachnids, for example, are really really out there in terms of not being loved by me.  When Daughter M and Grandson J were here last week we were heading out of the apartment for someplace and M turned to me and said, "Charlotte is living in your doorway."  Those were NOT words I wanted to hear.  I have still not been able to read Charlotte's Web all the way through.  Please don't tell the grandchildren.  They think I am brave.  Well, I am not brave in the face of arachnids.  I can't even call them by their common name without cringing.

Well, we have had some other bugs here lately.  M saw a large black bug over the doorway and kindly brushed him down with the broom and off he went. I thought.

Night before last we were just going to sleep, when about to turn off the light a large black creature came whizzing into our bedroom.  AND DISAPPEARED ON MY SIDE OF THE BED!!!

Dear One kindly leaped out of bed...well, crawled out actually...and came to check. He could not find any bugs.  We knew it was not a fly and it did not move like a bee so I suspected an ugly bug.

Now, I do not know what ugly bugs actually are but they are about an inch long with a hard pointed-on-both-ends carapace and too many legs and wings.

Yesterday I came into the workroom to do some more changing audio cassette tapes into digital files.  I had just sat down at the computer when I saw that something dark moved out of the corner of my eye. Yikes!  I looked over and there was an ugly bug on the baseboard.  My heart rate accelerated magnificently. (It was good to know my heart is capable of such a thing...!) I happened to notice that I had an empty pill container near my hand on the desk so I gathered all my courage, squatted down...no small feat in itself...and managed to scoop up the ugly bug and imprison him in the medicine bottle. 

As I was writing the previous, M called.  I went into the bedroom to take the call and THERE ON THE BLINDS WAS ANOTHER ONE!!

Horrid creatures!  Here they are, all three that I have arrested, in their prison cells.  I am withholding food and drink and hope they will die soon. 

Why they are here I don't know, but they creep me out.

Please understand I am not complaining because there has been an amazing lack of unpleasant creatures for over a year.  Well, there were the ants, but like the pains of childbirth, once they have been gone for a while, it is easy to forget them.

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