About The Country Wife Blog

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Journey's End...for a while

On Sunday we drove from Maryland to Vermont.  Entering Vermont we had a bit of an Oregon welcome as the skies opened up and rain poured down just after crossing the border.  Later on we saw a lovely rainbow.  When we approached our actual journey's end, in one town south east of our home,  was a glorious welcome home rainbow.

When we had crossed the Vermont border the eyes became a little damp.  By the time we got to White River Junction blinking of eyes really fast was taking place.  By the time we got to the interstate exit to home there was no denying the tears.  When we drove up the driveway to our home the sweet sight of our grandchildren waiting in the yard and on the porch met us and the tears fell like rain.  Happy tears and hugs followed, and we were home.  At least for now.

Last evening I was out collecting boxes for give-away stuff.  The sight of a hot air balloon, one of those lovely summer sights here in the Upper Valley, came to my eyes.  This particular balloon was moving very fast.  Usually they just float along in the air but this balloon seemed like it had someplace in mind to go, and needed to get there fast.  It is amazing that there was not even a breath of a breeze down at ground level.

Tonight we go to Concord, New Hampshire to meet with the Stake President who will officially release us from our full-time missionary service, an event which will also probably elicit more tears, but the time has come.  These past two years have been so wonderful, so hard, so filled with new opportunities to grow and to serve, and most importantly, to become even more filled with love and gratitude to our Heavenly Father and our Savior  Jesus Christ for the wonderful lives they have given us and the blessing of being able to return to Their presence one day when our earthly mission is complete.  Taking off the tag will be hard. 

 Being a representative of Jesus Christ for two years has had an indelible effect upon me.  I treasure the experience, and all those people we served with in helping our young missionaries and the many people who called, emailed, or arrived at the mission office with so many needs and wants to be met.  I did the best I could to be of service to them all.  Even the crabby ones.

Now we are on to the next adventure...

Because we need to downsize our goods (our son and his family are buying our big beautiful house), the real work begins.  Forty-six years of kitchenware, paper crafting, wool rug braiding, sewing, quilting, cookbooks, and even knitting "stuff" has to go.  We are putting the stuff to leave the premises in boxes and will offer it to anyone who wants it.  If anyone local reading this is interested,  email me what interests you and it is yours.  The only potential downside for the receivers is that the stuff only leaves as full boxes!  No picking through boxes and taking only three or four items!! Whole boxes go.

Dear One is in charge of the electronic stuff at the bottom of the picture.  I don't know if "his stuff" is on its way out.  Can I say I hope so?!  Of course, he is a hero and has little stuff.  He has already sent me out with a big bag of clothes that went in a yellow donation bin.

This is only a part of the haul to go.  Some of it (genealogy, a few tools, some yarn) we will be moving with us, but much of this needs to find new homes. I cannot in good conscious just toss it.  We will likely be starting over in a new place and certainly in a much smaller home...likely without attic or basement...so you see our dilemma!

And now to work...well, after a good solid nap.  Waking up in the middle of the night is great because I get things done, but is bad because then I have no energy for the day's work...so, to bed.  Have a nice day!  And do email about things you would like to come get.  It will be a few days before it is ready, but soon!


  1. Welcome home!
    Thank you for your service.

  2. You might try offering it on Freecycle. I have used it and found it helpful.


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