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Monday, November 25, 2019

Munchie Monday: Fun with Jello

On Thursday I saw some molds at the grocery store in the aisle by the Jello.  I don't remember if I have made Jello Jigglers before. I certainly did not when our children were little. We had never heard of such a thing.  Well, because the Young Women were having their completion Read-a-thon on Friday and today I thought I would make them some Jello Jigglers.

These are the ones I made:

The nice girl at the Piggly Wiggly, or maybe it was Food Lion, I have forgotten, allowed me to purchase three of the molds with the three boxes of Jello.  (I patronize both stores pretty often...)

These were grape, cherry, and lime.  

Using boiling water I poured 2/3 cup water into a Pyrex measuring cup then emptied one 3-ounce package of Jello into the water and stirred for 3 minutes, by the clock, to be sure the gelatin was activated and the sugar completely dissolved.  At this point I lightly sprayed the molds with cooking spray and poured in the Jello.  Into the refrigerator for four hours and those babies were ready to un-mold and take to the girls.  The un-molding involved running a sharp knife around the molds then inverting the mold onto a plate.  

Because they were all very busy in the Primary Room, I just slipped the Jigglers into the refrigerator.  The beauty of this is that I have the satisfaction of imagining I was a help, and since I was not there when they were served, I am spared the ignominy of the girls rejecting them!  Win, win!

Note: using 2/3 cup of boiling water, there was not enough Jello to fill all the wells to the top.
Note-2:  Be sure you have enough empty space in the refrigerator to place all your filled molds!
Note-3:  I think if I make these again, I will use some silicon molds instead of the hard plastic ones from the grocery store.  This will necessitate having a tray or cookie sheet to place under the silicon mold filled with Jello so perhaps even more empty space in the refrigerator may be necessary.

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