About The Country Wife Blog

Friday, January 17, 2020

Food Friday: Brown Rice and Quinoa Crackers!

Monson Made This is a food YouTuber who often has pretty good recipes.  Or at least, recipes that I want to try.  This time the recipe was a bit unusual but I liked the result. I cannot say the same for Dear One, though he did give them a try.

Here is a picture of the dough ready to wrap up:

This is the dough wrapped in parchment paper ready to refrigerate for a while.
Next you have to slice the crackers thinly and bake.  This is the result:

These, of course, cooked a little long but they were NOT burned, no matter what anyone else might tell you!!!  They were very cracker-y after they cooled.  The dipping "sauce" that Monson made was so good I could have eaten the whole container at one sitting.  And since Dear One did not want to try it, I really could have, but I held off.

Just after making the crackers then making the sauce, but before eating any of them, I was at the grocery store and found some "Buffalo Dip" that was promised to be  vegan.  Like a fool, I bought it.  When I tasted this sauce/hummus that Monson made, I realized that I never need to spend another penny on preservative-filled vegan options at the store.  This stuff is so good that I will probably never make anything else.  Try it.  You will really like it.  The crackers are good enough but the sauce is FABULOUS.  You can eat it with anything crunchy or put it on salad for a dressing or on vegetables or on a baked potato, etc.

Tonight I am too tired to give you the recipe in this post.  There is brown rice and quinoa and some seasonings.  No weird stuff. You probably have everything already in your kitchen.  You need to use a food processor to smooth out everything then you roll it up in parchment and refrigerate for a while.  For our batch, I got too busy and it refrigerated for about three days so it had dried out a bit before I made it into crackers. I suggest you NOT do that.  Just make them the same day.  I will make them again.  I feel virtuous eating them.  No flour or other non-whole-food stuff in them.

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