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Thursday, February 6, 2020

Fun With Paper And Chocolate

Those rosettes I made a while ago were so fun to make.  I made a few extra then made some more. I found a pattern on how to make a "heart rosette" which I tried with small success.

The kind ladies who took me in when we arrived here in South Carolina have a monthly Girls' Night Out.  I have felt so welcome and loved.  Consequently, I want to share the love back to them.

Since it is February and Valentine's Day is coming right up, I decided to lay in a little chocolate and make rosette flowers...with chocolate centers!  On the face of it, this was a great idea.  At least in my opinion.

The idea was to put the rosettes on some sort of stick and put them in a vase to put on the table at the restaurant.  It sort of worked but was not great.

You can see the box they were ready to travel in. You can also see that I made a large rose.  That was such a great idea until I had an issue with hot glue.  MAN, is that stuff HOT!!!  A large blister arose on my index finger.  Dear One recommended popping it!  Can you believe it?!!  Not a chance.  (I scratched my skin several years ago and developed a very bad infection that took heavy duty medicine to kill the thing, so I did not want to take the chance. ) Anyway, the burn, that put an end to the rose project!

Our grandchildren love Dove chocolate so I got a bag of it plus a bag of heart shaped chocolate.  When I got it home and ready to make the rosette flower centers with the chocolate I had a piece of each kind.  It was so awful I wanted to cry.  The Dove chocolate had peanut butter flavoring.  The heart-shaped candy had some nasty strawberry flavoring.  Such a disappointment.  Well, it was now the night before so I went through with it and made the centers, installed them on the rosettes, then attached to the skewers...which would probably have worked better if they were heavier-duty.

Since the chocolate was so bad I stopped at the store on the way to the dinner and got more good Dove dark chocolate and some plain milk chocolate hearts.  The bowl was almost empty when we left after dinner and most everyone was kind enough to take home another of my imperfect projects so all in all it was not a total failure. You can see why I love these ladies!

This picture shows the heart-shaped rosette. I thought they were pretty cute but I used heavy card stock so they were difficult to manage.  Live and learn.

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