About The Country Wife Blog

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

For a Good Laugh...

Just to give everyone a good laugh, I will show you my gardening get-up! 

Remember about those pants last week?  Well, you can see the pants with the zipper installed on the leg so they go over my tall boots meant to fight off reptiles that might want to go for me.  (the small slithery type of reptiles. Not the large, fast,  teethy reptiles...nothing I could wear would protect me from them.)

Also, after the skin issues earlier this year, I have started wearing a hat when I go out in the sun.  It is a good idea.  Looks silly, but, really, what does that matter. If it give people passing by a chuckle, so much the better.  Just as long as I don't scare little children...

This is a good day because I paid attention to the direction of the ribbon on the hat.  You cannot see the ribbon because it is on the left side of my face.  Sometimes I just plop the hat on my head, pull on the headphones so I can continue listening to whatever book I am reading, and out I go. The ribbon is just as likely to be falling down in my face on those occasions.

Also I take my stroller, which is a little rugged driving across the lawn which is made of squares of sod that has been there one year only, but still, I can make my way down to the garden.  Rolling back up the hill increases my heart rate dramatically!  Probably a good thing.

So, there you have it:  garden gear at this point in time.  Dear One does get a good laugh many days.  No problem. I don't mind.  He does not say mean things, so, why worry about a little laugh?!

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