About The Country Wife Blog

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Hummingbird Watering Bowl!

 Robbie and Gary Gardening on YouTube have hundreds of hummingbirds visit them every day.  They feed them gallons of sugar syrup.  They also provide bath tubs for the little guys!

We have two feeders and four birds that fight over who gets to eat when.  

In an effort to give those little birdies something else to think about, I tried to make them a bird bath.  Online offers lots of little motors to run a pump.  I found a solar-powered pump and used a bucket we had used for something else as the foundation.  At Dollar Tree I found some other parts...a plate and a big red bowl.

Using a small soldering iron I melted holes in both the plate and the bowl so the water would theoretically run back down into the bucket.  It looked like a great idea.

In actuality, the water sprays so high that a lot of it goes onto the deck floor instead of back into the bucket.  We only get about two hours of spray before I have to refill the bucket.

And worse yet:  those silly little birds are not interested in the water at all.

Well, I am not giving up yet.  I will use the soldering iron to enlarge the holes in the sprayer and see if that will allow the water to only spray out half as high.  We shall see.  There is still a lot of summer I think...

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