About The Country Wife Blog

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

New Salad "Dressings"

Some time ago I got interested in dropping the oily things from our diets.  I had watched enough doctors with nothing to gain by spreading the word, i.e. they were not selling programs or supplements or their own blend, that I thought we would try some non-oil dressings.  None of the ones I made really made me feel good about them and Dear One CERTAINLY did not care for them.

What to do, what to do?  Well, Chef AJ on YouTube has talked a great deal about California Balsamics which she uses. Since they are expensive when you add the cost of shipping, we did not immediately buy into them.

Fast forward a couple of months and I found a local shop which carries flavored balsamic vinegars! Right here in town!! I purchased a Maple Balsamic from them and started dribbling it onto my salads.  SO GOOD!  Well, not the first few dribbles, but after a week or two of trying it, I am now hooked on it!  AND Dear One suggested I get a Raspberry Balsamic.  He loves it.

So, now we use no store-bought oil dressings on our salads.  Don't they look cool?!!

So good.  PLUS when the bottles are empty, we can wash them, dry them, and return to the store for refills for a dollar off.  Nice.  And no shipping needed.

Having said that, we did order some Pineapple California Balsamics vinegar.  The company always sends two other flavors in small sample-size bottles.  We have used this for Italian Soda!  Basically this means a glass of cold club soda in which we are stirring a tablespoon of Pineapple Balsamic.  This is SO GOOD.  I have to hold myself to one a week or I would gulp the whole bottle down in a flash.

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