About The Country Wife Blog

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Beautiful Flowers

 We were at a friend's house recently and found this:

These flowers really made me smile. In fact, they made me want to do pressed flowers to make into greeting cards.  Instead, I took a picture which makes me smile every time I see it.  Someone will know what these flowers are.  Probably something very recognizable but my brain is fuzzy tonight as I write so I will let someone else tell me...!  Thanks!


  1. Hi Pattie! Those are very common right now in Japan and I love them! They are a type of hydrangea but I haven’t researched specifics yet:).

  2. Pattie, those flowers are called lace hydrangea. I have one of those on the side of my house also at first I didn't really like it but it's really pretty this year. I was just so used to the big regular balloons that I thought maybe something was wrong with my net first LOL then I found out what it was. So I have learned to love it.

    1. Correction in my first statement: where it says balloons it is supposed to say blooms


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