About The Country Wife Blog

Friday, June 18, 2021

Sweet Breezes Play Continually

One interesting thing about our home is that there is always a breeze blowing.  In fact, Dear One has told numerous people that we live in a wind tunnel. I LOVE a nice breeze.  Especially in summer when the heat and humidity can be almost oppressive.

A first home improvement Dear One did when we arrived was to install a beautiful American flag on the front porch.  The wind does blow so the flag is always unfurling.  It looked great.  Sadly, the post to which it was affixed was not up to the task and the flag moorings had to be renovated multiple times.  He even got a second flag to try again with.  Still not the thing.

This week one day I was out much of the day on sister visits. When I came home he was out on his afternoon walk. When I come home I look out on the back porch/deck to see if he is there, to see if there are any birds happily ensconced in the backline trees and bushes, and to see if the alligator has come out of the pond into our garden.

This is what I saw:

What a nice surprise!  

For some reason ever since then my head has been singing verse three of My Country, 'Tis of Thee.  Music swells the breeze in my heart and the breeze floats the flag always.  Ever since he installed the flags here (and also put solar-powered spotlights in the ground so the flags are lit day and night) they have never hung limp.

1. My country, ' tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing;
Land where my fathers died,
Land of the pilgrims' pride,
From every mountainside let freedom ring!
2. My native country, thee,
Land of the noble free, thy name I love;
I love thy rocks and rills,
Thy woods and templed hills;
My heart with rapture thrills, like that above.
3. Let music swell the breeze,
And ring from all the trees sweet freedom's song;
Let mortal tongues awake;
Let all that breathe partake;
Let rocks their silence break, the sound prolong.
4. Our fathers' God, to thee,
Author of liberty, to thee we sing;
Long may our land be bright
With freedom's holy light;
Protect us by thy might, great God, our King.

May the leaders of our country follow the lead of all the good people who cherish this land and get back on track...

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