About The Country Wife Blog

Monday, September 27, 2021

Munchie Monday: Pad Thai!

 Sometimes I hanker for something different.  Many years ago I had some Pad Thai somewhere and really liked it. I have realized since then that Pad Thai is more or less a clean-out-the-refrigerator dish but so good even though it is impossible to replicate exactly.  This time I made it from a recipe, sort of.

Brittany Jaroudi has posted a recipe on her YouTube channel that worked for us. Dear One said it was okay.  That is high praise!  As you know!.  

We had the sauce made from her recipe:

1/2 cup cooked white beans
2 Tablespoons peanut butter or a little more
1 Tablespoon lime juice
1 Tablespoon white miso or a little more
2 pitted Deglet Noor dates
1 large clove garlic
1/2 cup water

All these ingredients I put in our high speed blender until they looked beautiful and smooth.

We had some Udon noodles in the freezer that I thawed and boiled with the peas and corn that I also brought out of the freezer.  When they were happily soft and cooked through I drained them and threw back in the pot. After pouring the sauce on top and mixing well, I set it on the table and held my breath, hoping for the best. I was pretty happy Dear One liked it okay. I will try to replicate it!

This may not look appetizing because there are no fun toppings or a nicely wiped down dish before taking the picture, but is really was so good. We have other noodles we will try next time.

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