About The Country Wife Blog

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Knitting Tales Again

 It flabbergasts me how fast the days are going by.  It must be the Last Days when time is speeded up...!

There were so many things I planned to blog about but it did not happen.  A lot of other things did, though, never fear. I am not just lying around rotting out!  Not. At. All.  More is the pity, some days, anyway.  I could use a good lie-about.

Today I just want to say that the beautiful test knit is completed and reported.  It is on my Ravelry page if you want to look at it.  I am "The Country Wife" there, too.  I think you can see it. The pattern will be published on 28 October so maybe not until then, but I do think it can be seen.

Besides finding a few errors in the pattern, which, when corrected, made a HUGE difference in the satisfying nature of the knitting process, I found it a lovely job.  It DID take me quite a while, though.  Maybe about 40 hours, but I had to restart it three times.  Anyone who reads, actually understands and FOLLOWS the pattern will not take as long as I did.  I feel absolutely certain of that.

There were several things going on in each round:  increasing ribs, increasing sleeve cables, and the central cable motif.  I was driving myself crazing looking at the pattern, looking at the knitting, working a few stitches, then looking back to make sure I was doing it properly...since I did NOT want to keep ripping out and repeating the work.

SO...I made my own increase chart.  I say that as if I just whipped it out but it took me six tries before it was totally right and that was only about 20 rounds before the bind-off!!

This was the fifth try and was really helpful until I was so near the end I could see it, then realized I had mis-read the pattern and had many more rows to go.  So deflating, but I just made a 6th chart and went to town on it.

This was the final chart.  The whole reason for this increases chart was that the three types of increases in every round were getting my goat.  I was so glad when I had increased enough on the front and back of the capelet and was ready for the motif chart so after that, on those two sections, there were no increases, just ribs.  So relaxing for 40 stitches in front and back!

Anyway, I did finish it and before the deadline.  I will post a picture here and give the name of the pattern on the 28th.  If I remember. Otherwise, go to Ravelry.com and see it and the notes--though many of the notes were written VERY late in the game!

One more day and we are off to the Beach!!!!  So excited.

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