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Friday, January 27, 2023

Food Friday: 1-1 Waffles

 Another "while watching YouTube or Facebook" recipe suggestion found while on vacation: 1-1 Waffles.

In this case there were two ingredients: self-rising flour and Greek yogurt.  At least, we used Greek yogurt.  The batter was so robust I needed a little plant milk to loosen it up.  The batter was still stiff enough that it did not drip off the spoon.

We have one of those little Dash individual tiny waffle makers. Dear One wanted waffles for breakfast.  After a brief though heart-felt sigh, I retired to the kitchen to make waffles.  (I actually had other things on my mind to do at that time...)

In this case I used the last 1 cup of self-rising flour and 1 cup Greek yogurt in the refrigerator which was not yet furry.  I did add possibly a tablespoon of soy milk then put a heaping serving spoon blob of batter/dough onto the middle of the heated little waffle maker then pushed down the lid to get the batter to the edges or so.  I let it cook through two cycles.

In the meantime I took two small Russett potatoes and 1 Yukon gold potato, also small, and washed and peeled them then using the box grater turned them into shreds.  All this potato prep time the real waffle maker was heating up.  After spraying the waffle plates with a little oil I distributed the shredded potatoes over the entire top and pushed down the lid.  After ten minutes I lifted so see the progress.  They were looking good but not crispy so I put the lid down again.  

After 16 minutes of cooking in the waffle iron Dear One was home from his bike ride so I served these hashed browns immediately.  I could not have done this if he had been home.  He LOVES hashed browns and always lifts the lid at the stove or the waffle maker.  This always somewhat irritates me because some things need to be left absolutely alone to cook in good shape until almost done before checking. Otherwise, they do not lift off the pan nicely.  At least that is my experience.

The hashed browns were superior, if I do say so myself.  They could have been better if I had put some chopped onions in with them which I will try next time just for the sport of it.  Also they could have used some seasoning but since I had my trusty dispenser of Old Bay seasoning readily to hand I was in great shape.  Dear One loved them.  If I get the rest of the jobs for today done in time I will make more for supper with the onions and maybe seasoning.

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