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Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Thai Peanut Sauce!

 A couple of days ago I saw that Jane and Ann Esselstyn had put up a new YouTube video.  It was about Thai Peanut Sauce I think from their new Warrior Women Cookbook. When I saw Thai Peanut Sauce in the notification I sat up and took notice.  I LOVE peanut sauce. And this one is easy and so good.

The way I heard them (I have not gotten the book yet, and frankly, I hope I don't...new year, new resolve to mind our bank account in a more serious way... because, well, I do have ENOUGH cookbooks.  Even enough vegan and vegetarian cookbooks!) this is the recipe. At least it is the way I made the recipe.

Thai Peanut Sauce

1 cup peanut butter (I used crunchy peanut butter since that is what Dear One likes)
1/4 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup maple syrup (the real thing!)
2 Tablespoons rice vinegar
1 Tablespoon lime juice
2 Tablespoons chopped fresh ginger (mine was from the freezer where I had stored some a good bit of ginger  chunks without peeling it--and I still did not peel it. I figured the peel was good for fiber...)
A tiny pinch of crushed red pepper flakes
1 cup water

Put everything but the water into the food processor and let 'er rip for about 60 seconds then add the water and process again until all is combined.  Then pour it down the gullet in case you can't wait to get out some rice or vegetables or something else to pour it over.  

We had some leftover Mexican rice I had gooped up last week.  Dear One was eating it down happily but since I never mind gilding the lily I poured a little Thai Peanut Sauce over it.  So good. SO good.  Dear One asked what it was and when I told him he declined to eat any.  One day he will east some. I am confident but am NOT holding my breath!

Here is yet another unattractive photograph of food that we actually ate.  The globs on the side of the mason jar are little bits of fresh ginger.  I made this sauce in the Cuisinart food processor.  Next time I will use the high speed blender which will make the sauce smooth as ice.  Sometimes I actually do follow a recipe the way it is written but often only the first time.  Like today.  I am now thinking of making some fresh spring rolls to dip into this sauce!  Can you just imagine the culinary delight for your tongue from that combination!!!

Newsflash:  the only reason you are getting this recipe today is that I am writing it in the middle of the night...well, shortly after midnight.  When I made the sauce I happened to be barefoot, something I don't often do for the following reason:  when I brought the sauce to the table with the rest of the cullings from the refrigerator that were supper (we are going on vacation shortly and I want to leave the refrigerator empty, and maybe even clean...) I jammed my little toe into the chair leg.  I did not spill the sauce and even better, I did not curse!  (I asked Dear One if I cursed and he said not.  Thank goodness.  That is another one of my self-improvements hoped for for the new year.)

That is the same toe that I smashed into the door jamb when I was rushing out of my room at college at 602 North 1st West one day.  On that day I broke the toe.  Nothing to do about it but wear a tight shoe until the pain goes away.  I do believe I broke it again.  I had after the jamming episode put on my sneakers and thick socks which cushioned the toe but then was so unwise as to take off the shoes again while sitting in the tv room/Dear One's office before hobbling into our bedroom. When I rolled over in bed the sheets aggravated the poor little thing which woke me up, thus the writing which I remembered I had planned to do earlier today but did not get to. 

So the moral of the story is:  wear socks and shoes always. And BE CAREFUL WHERE YOU WALK!

Plus--make this sauce.  The cup of water makes it so you can feel a little better about the number of calories you are swilling down.  To make this sauce optimal, leave out the water and just dip things, like toast points or the aforementioned fresh spring rolls into the bowl of thick delectableness.

Happy New Year to All!

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