About The Country Wife Blog

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

My Parents Show Me How To Light The World

 As far as I am concerned, my siblings and I have the best parents in the world.  They were so wonderful to us.  They taught us so many good things...such as never hit your sisters, work hard, be generous and so much more.  All the things they taught us by word and by deed.  They set a wonderful example.  Both of them were readers...constantly reading to us and to themselves.  They were storytellers about their childhood and family before them. How I wish I had written down those stories.  Snippets of them come to me from time to time.

One time they took out the old kitchen table and put in a pool table with a sheet of plywood on top and a large sheet of heavy plastic so we could use it as our dining table.  Then, at a moment's notice, we could  take off the plywood and turn it into a pool tournament.

This is a picture of our parents on a Sunday evening in their home at Riverbow.  I know it was a Sunday night because A. the windows show that it is dark outside and B. the large stainless steel popcorn bowl is on the table in front of my father. I have no idea who took the photograph.  This was WAY before the days of selfies and cell phones.  

Every time I see this picture, it makes me smile.  It also makes me long for the day we will be together again.  I hope we can carry on the popcorn-Sunday-night-supper tradition that is at least four generations long.

#LightTheWorld today (or maybe yesterday) was to  contact our parents.  Since that is not conventionally possible, I am sharing about them.  For all I know, they are smiling down on me as I type. I like to think so anyway.

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