About The Country Wife Blog

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Wednesday Wonderings...

 Forty-three years ago (when I was very young!!) I became dissatisfied with my body.  I had just given birth to our third child, and only daughter, and I did not like what I looked like.  Of course, I only had the mirror in the medicine cabinet, so my view may have been somewhat skewed.  Nevertheless I decided to do something about it.


1. At every meal I served my family then measured out my food onto my plate. 

2.  I wrote down the foods and the quantities in a little notebook.

3. Next I looked up the calorie content on my plate from a book of calories and nutrients.

4. After that I wrote the calories next to the foods.  If the calories worked with my plan, then...

5. I ate the meal.

6.  Every so often, not every day, I walked down to the medical clinic in our town, a 3-mile walk, and weighed myself then walked 3 miles home.  This was only on good sunny  days, you understand, and often the walking was very early in the morning since someone had to be around to watch over the three children!

After nine months of these practices I had lost 60 pounds.

WELL, I am back to the place where I am dissatisfied with my body again.  I had been doing very well, slowly making progress, when the holidays struck!! So many wonderful people gave us treats. I did not feel like turning my back on them since the givers went to a lot of work to please us. So I ate.  And ate. And ate.  Now I am back to dissatisfied, as I mentioned!  

So, I am wondering if that successful program I did back when I was young and vibrant and healthy can work now that I am....not.  Not planning to wait until the new year, I did start yesterday.  Even in one day there was progress made.  I will be interested to see how long it takes to get back to my pre-holiday weight.

Part of the reason I had been wondering, and deciding to get on the wagon in great shape is that I had an appointment at a particular doctor's office this week and had to get weighed.  Why do they do that?!!  The "scales" were actually a 3 by 3 platform scales in the floor.  Yikes!  I am glad I did not have such a bad reading.  How humiliating it would be to actually NEED those platform scales.  My heart went out to the large people who visit that office and step on those scales because it is the only kind they CAN step on.

So, today I made breakfast, but as I am driving the sister missionaries to a service appointment on my way to yet another (the 4th this week!) doctor appointment, I am bringing breakfast with me. I have weighed, measured, and recorded in MyFitness Pal the food.  I am showing you a picture but will not enumerate what is in the container so you won't lose your own breakfast.  Just know that it all will taste fine to me!

The only glitch in this meal is that it has fresh raw sweet onions, so I will need to wait to eat until I drop I drop off the sisters...

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