About The Country Wife Blog

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Organization, and Another Knitting Set-back

Yesterday morning as I was in the Come, Follow Me app for study, part of the message was an excerpt from President Russell M. Nelson about removing debris from our lives. I took it to heart and immediately started removing/organizing real debris from my desk. After many hours it is still not done but the surface of the desk is visible in multiple places. Such a boost to my spirit. I REALLY need a nap right now, though.

Just because things are looking better is not a good reason to show off pictures. Pretty soon I will be more likely to show-and-tell. Now it is just telling...

As I was sitting here working at removing and sorting and placing in final resting places all kinds of things from recipes to knitting patterns to Relief Society paperwork to hoped-for paper-crafting projects, I started thinking about the Elizabeth's Percentage System Yoked Sweater I have been working on for months for our daughter. The yoke was finished during our vacation last week, even though the final five inches was knitted more than once! (When really tired and not really able to focus, it is probably a good idea NOT to work on precision-needed projects.) All at once I thought of the collar ribbing.
Here you can see that the ribbing was knit with too-large needles.

What a bust!!! I had already knitted it twice with different needles. As I was sitting here I realized I needed to have gone down another couple of needle sizes! Rats! Well, there are so many other flaws with this sweater that this one which is so easy to correct shall be corrected. Of course at the moment I am writing I just want to go to bed but it is not quite 5:30. This would be a mistake. The last few days I have been so tired mid-afternoon that I took a nap. This raised Hob with my night-time sleeping, which is the second reason I am so fagged out right now.

Better get to the sweater...

1 comment:

  1. You have so many irons in the fire I'm amazed how you fit them all into your schedule! I can't wait to see the final version of the sweater. I'm sure your daughter will cherish it for all the love and work you put into it!


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