About The Country Wife Blog

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

More Finish It February

 This past week I worked on some more Finish It February knitting projects.

These pineapple scrubbies are rather ghastly but I am convinced that they will do the job.  They were knitted (the pineapple) and crocheted (the leaves) with Hobby Lobby Scrubology yarn.  It is really rather wretched yarn to work with but as one becomes more accustomed to it, it gets easier.  Some colors are easier/more flexible to work with than others, which was a surprise to me.

These scrubbies are more or less a pocket where you could put a bar of soap if you wanted, like Lava soap, I suppose, but they can also be just used as a scrubber.

Since I enjoy learning new things, I did enjoy making these.  There was a chart for the crocheted leaves. I had never seen a crocheted chart though I am very familiar with knitting charts.  I did not understand the chart at all at first.  I asked a friend about the chart who then referred me to another friend who was able to easily explain it to me.  Then, some time later, I developed a very red face because there was actually a legend for the chart.  Duh!  I should have realized there would be and looked for it.  There is always a legend for a knitting chart so...why would crochet charts be any different?!

Anyway, I am happy that FIF is moving forward!  I hope any of you finishing projects this month will be successful.  Even if not all the projects get done, any finishers should feel happy with the progress. I know I am.

PS:  It was the same pattern that I used but different needles. Also the larger one has some green yarn on the back since I ran out of the yellow.  Did not want to buy more!  This accounts for the very different shapes and sizes.

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