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Friday, September 13, 2019

Food Friday: Homemade Oat Milk

Because all the smart plant foods people are adamant about how dangerous dairy products are for our longterm health, they suggest using plant milks when we want a white liquid for a recipe or to drink. 

Recently I saw a YouTube video, well, quite a few, actually, but one that seemed to make sense, on how to make Oat Milk, just like Oatly...which is not something I have tried.  And, after this fiasco, don't think I will try it.

To make this oat milk, put 1 cup old-fashioned oatmeal and 3 cups water in your blender.  I think there was also a quarter cup of raw cashews to help with separation. Blend on HIGH SPEED for 20 seconds.  No more, or it will turn slimy according to all reports.

Well, I did just as this YouTuber directed: blended, filtered, drank.  I had found some "flour sack" dish towels at Walmart which seemed like they would be sturdier for the filtering process than cheesecloth or a nut bag.  I used a clean flour sack and filtered/strained the solids out of the oat milk.

The next thing I did was make some "chocolate oat milk" which was supposedly "fabulous".  The YouTuber called for 2 cups milk, 1/4 teaspoon Hershey's cocoa, and one pitted medjool date.  I ask you...!!!

Well, 1/4 teaspoon of cocoa was NOT going to make chocolate milk "just like Nestle's Quik" which this woman said it would...so I put in a heaping teaspoon.  I did put in just one date for the sweetening.  And blended the tar out of it hoping that I could blend the date to bits and not have to strain again.

So the results:  I gave Dear One a glass of chocolate oat milk.  One swallow and he put the cup down.  He thought it was a mean bait and switch.  It looked just like chocolate milk but it just was not.  AND if you look at the jar of plain oat milk, you see that the milk itself is rather slimy looking...not just the leftover oat bits.

You can see that the milk separated some.  The lighting makes the milk look rather brown. It isn't.  It really is white and looks like milk, if it is shaken up.

My assessment:  do not spend one moment thinking about making this stuff.  Too bad since it seemed like a good idea.

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