About The Country Wife Blog

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The (Floral) Gift That Keeps On Giving!

 Last year my sister brought us some beautiful chrysanthemums.   I just loved them.  There were three big pots.  Eventually they wore down and seemed to die.  Very late in the season Dear One and I talked about whether or not they might revive in the spring, so I planted them in the ground.  (I did keep the pots because I might want pots for something come the new season...!)

Well!  Such good news.  Two of the plants made it through the winter and had very nice rich green leaves this spring.  A few weeks ago I noticed that not only did they have nice green leaves, they ALSO had a zillion buds!  Could it be that we would have a floral display this fall, too?!

YES!!  WE DO!!  So very nice.

Dear One thought that having two plants was not the thing...that for aesthetics we should have three plants.  He suggested a yellow-blooming chrysanthemum.  SO...I went to Lowes because they always have a ton of flowers there.  Well they DID have a ton of flowers there. I asked one of the ladies near the check-out if they had any chrysanthemums there.  She said, "I don't know what that is..." or something like that.  When I said "mums" she did know.  A worker about 20 feet away had heard my question and said there were "tons of mums" in the garden center so out there I went.

The first person I saw actually working with plants was addressed with the same question, "Do you have any yellow chrysanthemums?"  "What do you mean?"  OH, mums!  No, they have been gone since way before Halloween."  

Oh well, maybe next year!

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